Strategy Webinars Schedule 

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Drop Your Dud Work

Week 6 of 3-Day Weekends in 3 Months

Wed, Nov 8, 2023, 1 PM EST (12 CT, 11 MT, 10 PT)

  • Drop Your Unproductive Work 
  • Create More Time & Energy to Focus on Your Best Work 
  • Let Got of the 80% to Drill Down on the 20%

Learn the same content I teach my small group coaching clients about how to Create YOUR 3-Day Weekend or Similar Lifestyle in 90 Days.


Webinar Recordings

Do Your 3 Most Genius Activities

Week 5 of 3-Day Weekends in 3 Months
  • Clarify the Impact You Wish to Make on Your Clients' Lives
  • Identify Your 3 Highest Impact / Highest Income Activities
  • Start Investing More Time in Your Most Powerful & Lucrative Work

Recorded    (Click a Button Below)



Outgrow Undesirable Clients

Week 4 of 3-Day Weekends in 3 Months
  • Identify Your Best Clients.
  • Calculate the Opportunity Costs of Working with Undesirable Clients.
  • Drop, Reduce, & Outgrow the Worst, so You Can Focus on the Best.

Recorded    (Click a Button Below)


Attract Epic Clients

Week 3 of 3-Day Weekends in 3 Months
  • Clarify Your Entrepreneurial Vision & Purpose
  • Identify Your Best Clients
  • Create a Plan to Attract More Like Them

Recorded    (Click a Button Below)



Eliminate Complexity & Drama

Week 2 of 3-Day Weekends in 3 Months
  • Assess your personal & business relationships.
  • Reduce the amount of time you invest in the unproductive / undesirable ones.
  • Increase time invested in the best ones.

Recorded    (Click a Button Below)

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Write Your Own Life

Week 1 of 3-Day Weekends in 3 Months
  • Create the Vision for Your Impact, Income, Freedom, & Time Investments as an entrepreneur who designs their life.
  • Design your Ideal Weekly Schedule & Start Living It more and more each week.

Recorded    (Click a Button Below)

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Schedule a Strategy Session

We’ll Discuss Your

  1. Biggest Goal - If you or your agency could only achieve 1 thing in the next 12 months, what would it be?
  2. Value of Biggest Goal - What's it worth to you (money, free time and / or happiness) to achieve this goal?
  3. Biggest Frustration - If you could "fix" 1 thing in your agency in the next 12 months, what would it be?
  4. Frustration Cost - What is your biggest frustration COSTING you (money, free time and / or happiness)?


Then, We’ll Discuss the Plan & Expected Results

  • Which goal(s) are likely to be achieved and how long it usually takes, based on our experience.
  • The best way to help you achieve your goals, based on your style and time available to implement.
  • Your anticipated time investments & money investments.
  • What guarantees we can make